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Last update on February 18, 2001

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OCRProof Icon OCRProof TM 2.0 for Windows

OCRProof is designed for workers who need to perform OCR and data entry from paper documents. OCRProof provides a patented heads-up line-by-line OCR, proofreading, edit, and key entry user interface. It juxtaposes line-by-line the scanned image and the ASCII text, matching their position and point size. This increases accuracy, speed, and productivity, while cutting costs and reducing physical strain. OCRProof uses the Xerox Textbridge TM 3.0 OCR engine.

Download a Demo of OCRProof

Click here to get a demo of OCRProof with a multimedia movie from as a compressed archive (2.6 MB). Just expand it in a subdirectory of your choice and the files will be decompressed to about 6 MB. Then, run the setup.exe program.

OCRProof Screen Display

OCRProof Screen Shot

The above image shows a screen display of OCRProof with a background bitmap from a scanned page and an overlapping Editor window. The top of the Editor window displays the current line of ASCII text which is the output from the OCR or keyboard.

OCRProof System Requirements

Registration fee: $200.

Click here for registration information.

OCRProof Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How can OCRProof help me type in my paper documents?
  2. Who needs OCRProof?
  3. What new technology is in OCRProof?
  4. What are the future plans for the OCRProof line of products?

1. How can OCRProof help me type in my paper documents?

OCRProof will do your typing for you.

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2. Who needs OCRProof?

Any individual or company wanting to speed up data entry by using a scanner.

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3. What new technology is in OCRProof?

OCRProof uses the Visual Optical-Electronic Display for Encoding and Measurement (VODEM) technology..

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4. What are the future plans for the OCRProof line of products?

An OCRProof software development kit (SDK) will integrate OCRProof's user interface with forms-based data entry in a client/server database environment.

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